FCC students talk plans for Halloween

As the end of the month nears, people have started to decide how they will spend their Halloween.

FCC students intend to celebrate Halloween in various ways, such as decorating, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, partying, and other, more esoteric methods.

Some students said that they aren’t planning on doing anything big for Halloween, citing various reasons, such as family traditions, schedules, or personal reasons.

Many others said they were planning on going to a Halloween party. One example is Veronica Vazquez, the vice-president of public relations for FCC’s Student Government Organization, who will attend a friend’s party dressed as Strawberry Shortcake with another of her friends dressed as Lemon Meringue.

Another student who plans to attend a party is Caspian Ryland, a member of the Walkersville Branch Library Student Council. The Walkersville Branch Library is hosting a party 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31,  for grades 6 – 12, which is organized by volunteers from the student council. Caspian will be going as Wirt from “Over the Garden Wall.”

FCC will be hosting its own party, in the form of a free lunch for people in costumes and a Halloween costume contest on Oct 31. One of the students who will be attending the FCC party is Grace Blanchard, dressed in a tongue-in-cheek strawberry costume.

Samuel Bailey, an electrical engineering major, is building his own costume by hand, and plans to enter into the costume contest. Bailey also intends to continue celebrating the night by going trick-or-treating. Another FCC student who will be trick-or-treating is the SGA president Ana Zubieta.

Zubieta, originally from Mexico City, Mexico, has always loved Halloween, along with the rest of her family. While the lower popularity of Halloween in Mexico prevented them from trick-or-treating, Zubieta and her family would still decorate, dress up, and have fun with other Halloween-related activities. Their celebrations would also carry over into Day of the Dead on Nov 2, a holiday about honoring the memory of and paying respects to the dead.

Now living in Frederick, Zubieta and her family celebrate Halloween much like they always have, but with additional events, such as trick-or-treating. She plans to go to two parties before trick-or-treating, for one party she is dressing as a friend of hers, and for the other she is going as Perry the Platypus.

A present Halloween staple is the haunted house, and Meghan Domning is fully intent on partaking in that tradition… as the ghost. Working at Field of Screams as a scare actor, she dresses up in flannel and jean costumes, applies full, gruesome makeup, and gets into her station for the night. She said “it’s so much fun to be able to scare people, not gonna lie”.

Between FCC and her job at Field of Screams she doesn’t have much time to decorate or carve pumpkins, and her Halloween will be spent at Field of Screams, scaring the living daylights out of people.

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