Every Friday and Saturday from mid-Septmber through the end of October at Summers Farm in Middletown fireworks are set off after 7:30 p.m. to celebrate fall.
The Fall Festival has more than 45 activities visitors could spend more than one afternoon at Summers Farm. Gates close for the season Halloween, Oct. 31. The average person costs $19.50 for the afternoon at the gate and the hours vary greatly. Children under 2 years old are always free.
Wagon rides, apple blasters, a pumpkin train, campfires, pumpkin picking, a corn maze, giant slides, fireworks, and more happen at Summers Farm. Every day of the Fall Fest has the same opportunities for fun activities with the last weekend for fireworks is Oct. 27 and 28. People can visit the barnyard animals like sheep and young ones can ride a training bull to warm them up to the real thing.
The corn maze is one of the staple activities at Summers Farm. Any young adult who grew up around Frederick knows of Summers Farm’s high ratings for corn mazes. The maze’s image is kept a secret every year until the season starts. 2023 has been no different finding any images of this year’s maze online is nearly impossible. Past designs celebrated Taylor Swift, the Orioles, superheroes, Summers farm anniversaries, and much more over 25-plus years.
More information can be found at https://summersfarm.com/ or the gate of their location in Middletown.