Graduation Brings Excitement and Worry To Minds of Students

March 20, 2019 Kaitlin McCallion 0

Deep, swift, and daunting. In describing the plummet from our nests, these are the three most appropriate words. Diving into the final stages of a college career might be one of the most pivotal moments for the average young adult, and the graduating students of Frederick Community College are jumping tassel first.

Student Lounge Closed Due to “Deplorable” Conditions

March 15, 2019 Kaitlin McCallion 0

Mark Price and Jeffrey Buhrman, custodians, were greeted with an unpleasant surprise when they arrived for their typical night shift at Frederick Community College on Monday, March 11th. Upon arriving in the student center, the men were shocked to find one of the lounges filled with trash and other debris littering the space.

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