REVIEW: ‘Fallout’ Makes Transition from Video Game to TV Series with a Bang

One of the more recent video game adaptations, Amazon Prime’s new original series, “Fallout” was released to overwhelmingly positive reviews and praise from both critics and fans.

I loved the show. Even with some of the weirder writing choices and slow start, it was a blast watching it through. My only gripes would be how they tried to make the antagonist redeemable in the very last episode and just completely forget the plot points they brought up.

Released in 1997, the original “Fallout” video game was originally known for its vast and expansive world that’s been built upon over the last almost 30 years with multiple sequels.

The TV show was released in April and is based on the “Fallout” Game IP. The show follows the story of Lucy (Ella Purell) as she ventures outside of the vault for the first time, exploring the radioactive wasteland that is California. After raiders invade Lucy’s vault and take The Overseer, her father, she alone goes out in an attempt to find him. Along her journey, she meets Cooper Howard/The Ghoul (Walton Goggins), and the two of them start off on a bit of a rocky relationship but end up helping one another down the line. A bit later she meets Maximus (Aaron Moten), a Brotherhood of Steel member who comes along with her to help keep her get her dad back.

”Fallout’ is a great blend of weird, funny, violent, and dark moments. Every episode was a treat to watch from start to end, with little details fans of the games would love keeping an eye out for.
I especially found the acting and cinematography outstanding, with every character and every shot grabbing my attention.

Goggins (known for “Sons of Anarchy” and “Invincible”) especially stole every moment he was in with his charismatic performance and dry sense of humor. Purnell’s (known for “Army of The Dead” and the TV series “Arcane”) portrayal of an innocent and naïve vault dweller new to this post-apocalypse world was a perfect contrast to the harsh world she journeys into.

My favorite scene was one that perfectly encapsulates the comedy and dark nature of the show, where Maximus and a fellow Brotherhood of Steel member enter a cave. When behind them, a giant mutated bear attacks, causing Maximus’ comrade to sprint out of the cave cursing and swearing and begging for his life. The bear nearly kills him until Maximus saves their life. His comrade berates him, calling him an idiot and saying it is entirely his fault. Maximus is tired of everyone pushing him around, tired of being treated like nothing, and he sees his comrade unfit to be part of the Brotherhood, so he lets him die. Maximus dons the armor his comrade was wearing and continues on.

I could go on and on with compliments for this show, it was truly an enjoyable watch. The episodes only being an hour or so long made them fly by. The whole show is out already so you’re able to binge and enjoy it all in one sitting. These are just a few of the reasons that I enjoyed the show and hey, stay tuned, season two is coming soon.

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