Tips on how to find work this summer

Summer is soon approaching, and that means many Frederick Community College students are looking for a summer job.

“I am going to work over at the Applebee’s for my summer job to make some extra money plus, I love their food, and I can make some extra tips,” said Kennedy Lopez, 25, a nursing major at FCC.

It’s a lot harder for a college student to find a summer job than you think. The first thing one needs to do is that you must think positively, work harder than you ever have before and apply quickly. Some businesses can hire someone on the spot, so be ready.

When applying to jobs, put your work history on your resume because employers want new hires to have some experience, even if it’s just a little. But even students who are veterans when it comes to summer jobs are having a hard time with finding one.

“I have to say that it is hard getting a job during the summertime,” said Madison Hill, 21, of Thurmont, a business major.“Because so many students are applying. You really must dwell on what makes me stand out than all the other students they could have picked.”

Jobs are hard to spot during the summertime. College students need to think intuitively when it comes to job spotting.
Although many students are not hired in the same industry in which they’re studying, even flipping burgers can be helpful. Students can receive hands-on experience, which could help you explain the value you can offer a business that is hiring.

Yes, my summer job could be working for Gordon Ramsey in the future,” said James Thompson, 20, Thurmont, a culinary major. “But for now, I am going to work at my mom’s bakery and enjoy every second because I love her so much, and I work there every summer, also I can learn from the best cook in the world to my mom.”

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