Marijuana use is still frowned upon at the federal level, but many states have relaxed the rules concerning pot. As of September 2019, 10 states still prohibit marijuana use altogether, while another 10 states and the District of Columbia have completely reversed this decision. The 30 remaining states are somewhere in between. Maryland is one of these remaining states.
Maryland currently holds a “mixed” legal status and its legislators have reduced the criminality of marijuana possession as well as opened the door for medicinal use. Essentially, this allows people who obtain a doctor’s referral to purchase cannabis from a medical dispensary.
Several students at Frederick Community College have found this open door to be quite beneficial. Keegan Santaroski is one such student. “I got my medical license about two months ago,” Santaroski said. “I have epilepsy and cannabis reduces the risk of me having a seizure.”
The medical benefits of marijuana use are no secret to student Daniel (DC) Conlon, who got his medical license two years ago, “I use it to ease the pain I feel daily. It allows me to focus on my schoolwork and to be present in the moment,” Conlon said when asked how the use of medicinal marijuana affects his day to day life.
With the reduced criminal nature of cannabis combined with documented benefits it has had for students, one question remains; should FCC provide accommodations for students who possess a medical marijuana license?
When asked about what accommodations he would like to see, Santaroski said, “There should be designated smoking areas where we can use our products safely.” Conlon shares this sentiment, “It would be really convenient if we had an area where we could smoke without bothering people who don’t.” Ultimately, the administrators of Frederick Community College have the privilege to decide on this issue. For now, the campus policy prohibits marijuana use on campus. Could this change? Only time will tell.