Events like this therapy dog visiting students during final exams won’t happen this spring at Frederick Community College. On campus classes and events are canceled because of the coronavirus outbreak. Photo Courtesy FCC

How to Have Fun in Quarantine

The Coronavirus closures continue, leaving Frederick Community College to be instructed via online for the rest of the Spring Semester. Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan, has announced an order to close public schools through April 24. Nonessential workplaces are shut down, as well as other schools and colleges around the country.

FCC announced the closure to being on March 16. Some wonder if Frederick County Public Schools will even reopen before the end of the school year.

Many concerts have been postponed or canceled. Coachella was moved from its original dates of April 10, 12, 17 and 18 to early October, according to Vox.

Students of all ages are stuck inside their houses for a seemingly endless time. There is not much for them to do but wait for the pandemic to end… or is there?

Hundreds of students throughout Frederick, and around the country, are finding things to do to pass the time, whether it’s something they do every day or something new.

Ayden Roberts, a student and employee at Thanksgiving Farms, has his work with his family to thank for giving him something to do. “I work as a general laborer, primarily making pots and planting,” Ayden said in an interview. “It really helps with everything going on in these troubling times.”

Students who are spending most of their time at home are coming up with creative ways of keeping themselves busy as well. “This week’s level of boredom: I have created an entire list of everything I’m gonna need for college and the exact layout of where everything in my dorm room will go if I go to Towson,” said FCC student Heather Goodnow. “If I go to Salisbury, I’m going to need to fix it, but it’s fine.”

Other students decided to be a bit more creative. These students created their own online music fest called Coronachella, an obvious spin off of Coachella. This weekend event went viral on Twitter on Saturday March 21, and featured many indie and underground artists playing live to an online audience of thousands.

Whether it’s working, planning, or partying, it seems people are finding ways to get out without really “getting out”.

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