Strategies for the Midterm Exams

Frederick Community College (FCC)  students are excitedly planning out their spring break in the 2025 spring semester. Before that break can occur though, the dreaded midterm exams must be completed.


The tests are usually conducted the week before the break in a semester occurs. They are designed to test the students on their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum that was taught from week one all the way to the week before the spring break. 


FCC students are frantically gathering their notes and study guides together to try to cram as much information they can get. The midterm exams are worth a good amount of points and can greatly affect their grades so it is not something to be taken lightly. In order to find some strategies to study effectively, 20 students were surveyed on this matter. 


One strategy is to make flashcards of the information and their corresponding meaning and memorize them. Multiple students recommended this strategy as a super helpful way to remember the key words. A couple of students who are majoring in nursing mentioned that they sometimes make a game out of the flashcards to see who can remember the definition first or the most. It can create a fun and competitive environment that helps alleviate the stress and boredom of studying.


Another strategy was used by FCC Professor Chelsea Daggett who teaches in the Communications Department. During her Communications 101 class in the fall semester of 2024, she recommended that students work together and use their study groups or partners as much as they can. 


Throughout that communications course, study guides were included to assist the groups or pairs along with suggestions that everyone go through each chapter and summarize it. Kahoot, a group based online trivia game that can be customized to ask certain questions, was also incorporated in the studying process to help make it more enjoyable. 


The last strategy is setting aside time and going to a quiet place to study. Most of the students brought up this method as their preferred option. Some of the tips included having music playing quietly through their earbuds, having a snack and drink on hand, and locking themselves in their bedrooms to ensure privacy. Coffee shops or the library are also great study areas for those who do not want to study at home.. Those places can provide a calming atmosphere, have free internet options, and allow interactions with people for those who are extroverts.


Everyone has their own strategy that works for them, but hopefully these three strategies can help anyone unsure on where to start. Good luck on the midterms exams!

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