Veronica Vazquez, helping connect Frederick Community College.

Veronica Vazquez has had a lot on her plate by not only being a full-time student, holding a full-time job, but also helping to be the voice for Frederick Community College students.

Vazquez (20) of Frederick is also the vice president of public relations for the FCC’s Student Government Association.

The SGA plays a core part in the decision-making and governance processes at FCC

Majoring in fine arts, Vazquez has been a part of the SGA for a year now, and has been representing the SGA for the Visual Arts Club. which means that she is in multiple leadership positions and she has played a key part in setting up events like October’s Haunted House event or February’s Hearts and Arts dance.

“They say life is just a bunch of networking and honestly they’re r ight,” she said. “Talking to people has been my greatest weapon to get in my positions. It’s amazing just how much you can learn by starting a simple conversation.”

Through this networking effort, Vazquez has become and remained a member of the SGA. She said at times being a member of SGA has it challenges.

“There’s times where working on these meetings proves to be hair-pulling levels of difficultly, but seeing the enjoyment that students have makes it all worth it, She said.

She admits her life can be busy with all she has to accomplish.

“People tell me I have my plate full with work, classes, and two positions, but you never really notice until it’s staring you right in the face,” she said “Don’t get me wrong, it’s an incredible experience, but my day-to-day has become more hectic to say the least.”

Vazquez said she’ll be staying at FCC a bit longer to get her certificate in graphic design as well as potentially engaging in business administration programs before moving on to pursue a bachelor’s degree in fine arts at either the University of Maryland Global Campus or Towson University. She plans to be become a graphic novel illustrator,

Vazquez also said the SGA wants as much engagement as they can get so the more students engage with and interact with SGA activities and events, the more the SGA can bring to students in the future.

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