The students around Frederick Community College had to think more about the breeds they know and love this week.

Dogs are one of the most adored species around the globe. Most people who have had a pet at some point have had a dog. Those who did have dogs knew almost immediately what dog breed they were. Of those who were more “cat people” or otherwise, it took longer to decide.
Chan Byrd, a high school student also attending FCC, has never owned a dog, and while their final answer was short, they had a marvelous opinion on dog breeds. The Russian dog breed Borzoi was what Chan resonated with most. “Long,” was the final reason why Byrd chose Borzois; that and this stock image to the right.

Echo Georg, a sophomore at FCC, has a Bichon Frise that he has found he does not relate to breed-wise. He instead discussed that he is most like Golden Retrievers.
“When I’m excited, I’m really excited,” Echo said, “Also good love bombs, I like to overwhelm people, I guess.” Golden Retrievers everywhere, like Maui on the left, appreciate the addition of “good,” Echo.

Mireya McGaha-Eastep, a sophomore at FCC, is also a veteran dog owner. Their two dogs, one a pitbull and the other a pitbull Blue Heeler mix, Buddy and Turbo, are pictured to the right. Based on this quote, can you guess which breed Mireya relates to most? “…I’m loud and annoying and very talkative.” Huskies are known to be one of the most talkative dog breeds around, but they are also like snowballs! Mireya should be a proud husky.

Another sophomore at FCC who relates to huskies is Jordan Moore. “I (also) love cold and they’re kinda whiny,” said Jordan Moore, an audio production major. While he does not have any dogs now, he said that he sometimes likes dogs. That sounds more like an average house cat than a dog, maybe Jordan’s cat.

Not many Philadelphia natives are found at FCC, but Jasmine Baltimore, a student working on her postgraduate degree in Journalism in Frederick has one pitbull named Daisy. Daisy is seen in the collage above. Jasmine believes that she is most like the less-known sub-breed Doodle dogs. A doodle is any breed of dog mixed with poodles, bred for their less shedding tendencies. Happy, the doodle to the right is a good representation of why Jasmine loves them so much, “They’re so fluffy and cozy and cute!”

Bethany Smith, another dual enrollment student at FCC, shared that she is a cat person through and through. After looking up small dog breeds, Smith chose the popular breed Corgi as who she most resonated with. “They’re short and stumpy and I’m short and stumpy,” said Bethany. Corgis are also known for their fluffy butts and regal association.

A previous dog owner and sophomore at FCC, Ciarra Gorton, agrees with Jordan from earlier, that she only sometimes likes dogs. She discussed that she finds bearded dragons interesting, even owning one! As for what type of dog breed, she deliberated for some time, but decided on the breed Whippet. “They’re skinny and long,” Gorton said. Though she did not directly share the general anxiety that Whippets are known for, she pointed out the familiarity.
Whether you are a dog person, a cat person, or a person who despises animals, dogs are a relatable crowd. From loud-natured Huskies to small, regal corgis, FCC students appreciate canines!