More than 2,000 students have been served by Frederick Community College’s food pantry and locker. That means thousands of students on campus are food insecure.
But the Student Leadership and Engagement team is trying to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to receive food during school hours
“Our students are under such pressure to balance life and school and often have to make choices with money that place food on a low priority,” said Jeanni Windston-Muir, executive director of Student Leadership and Engagement.
She said is impossible to be your best in the classroom when you are hungry or malnourished.
There are two food pantry locations. One is in the Student Center, located in room H101, also known as the office of Student Leadership and Engagement In addition to the items in the pantry, free, fresh popped popcorn and water are available in this room. The second food pantry location is in the Monroe Center.
Any student can take up to two items per day out of the pantry. There are various grab-and-go food and microwave fair options in the pantry. These items are intended to sustain the students throughout the day and between classes.
A food locker is located in the Student Center as well. It is intended for students who need a bit more than a snack. Foods such as soup, cereal, rice, and pasta are placed in the locker. Students can register to have a locker assigned to them.
Grants and donations are where the financial support comes from. Windston-Muir said the pantry and locker received financial support from the Higher Education Emergency Relief fund (HEERF). This grant program was established during the pandemic to provide for students.
Windston-Muir wants any student on campus who is food insecure or hungry to use the pantry.
“I want students to know that there is no shame in using the food resources on campus or in the community. They exist because we realize there is a need and everyone from time to time needs support,” she said. “At FCC, we believe addressing basic human insecurity in our students is our first strategy in ensuring a successful college experience.